Friday, July 11, 2008

My favorite questions - part one

I receive a lot of questions from potential models. It's part of my job. And I do honestly welcome questions because as I see it, it's my job to educate potential models about every aspect of the business. One question, though, that gets under my skin for some reason, is "can I wear a disguise?" Each time I'm asked that, I laugh out loud. The question comes in all flavors: "can I wear a wig?" "Can I cover my tattoos?" (because, certainly, the face won't give you away), "can I have fake tattoos?" (again, certainly because you face won't give you away), and, "can I wear a hat?" The last one was the latest installment asked of me today. Of course I said, "absolutely not."

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Busy July

July is turning out to be an incredibly busy month for Fierce Scouting. Deep within our home office in a secluded bunker somewhere in San Diego County, your Fierce Scout is working with a good number of potential models to bring them into the business. At the same time, I am placing existing models with studios and ensuring everything goes smoothly. Today I had a potential model from Riverside, CA stop by the Fierce bunker for a meeting about working in the business. As I was explaining to him, I rarely meet my models in person since 95% of them come from outside of San Diego and all of my dealings with them is done via email, instant messenger, text messages, or telephone. It can be a solitary existence. I can't say that I miss going to two or three hour meetings in my former career because I don't miss that at all!